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What is the Danger of Uric Acid in Blood in Gout Patients?

When I meet with gout sufferers, the first thing I ask is if they noticed that their blood is dark, thick, and slow flowing when drawn for a blood test. Nearly 95% of them respond by nodding their heads and displaying a surprise expression on their faces. They must be asking why I ask this question and how I know the answer. Gout is one of the most common diseases today. They all share similar symptoms. Although the pain is most likely in your big toes or lower joints, it can be all over your body. It’s only a matter time before other parts of your body feel the effects. And when it does, it may be too late to reverse the damage.

Alternative Medicine

We classify the five major organs in Asian health practice into five elements (Metal, Wood, Water, Earth, and Fire). Some medical professionals still laugh at this approach to health and some even criticize it. I can understand their point-of-view because I was once one. Modern Asian health professionals, with both modern science knowledge as well as traditional health practice, discovered the connections between these two worlds of health science until recently. The kidney (Water Element), and the liver (Wood Element), are the two main filters in your body. Water grows Wood. If the Water Element is low, the Wood Element will also go down.

What causes kidney failure? What is the relationship between kidney and gout. Why do most gout sufferers end up in dialysis near the end? Researchers believe that uric acid builds up in the blood, eventually forming urate crystals in joints synovial fluid. They blame the kidney for not being able to filter out excess uric acid and allowing it to flow back into the bloodstream, causing hyperuricemia. They blame the kidney for the blood problem. Scientists focus too much on the science side of things and miss the bigger picture.


Although detailed study with technologies like microscopes and X-rays is helpful in seeing the big picture, what really matters is how clear we see the connections and how we can solve our problems. All modern diseases, such as hyperuricemia and gout, are caused by blood.

Living a life that is acidic will eventually cause the blood to become thicker, darker and slower due to the toxic substances it must carry to the kidneys for excretion. You can test your water filter by adding some highly polluted water to it at home. If the filter is damaged, you can buy a new one.

But what about your kidney? The primary filter will lose its function and all the work will be transferred to the liver, which will eventually go into a state of panic due to too much stress. Your Wood and Water Element should be loved and taken care of before they cease loving you.


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