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How to Control Arthritis Symptoms?

Arthritis was once considered a normal part of aging and something that everyone would have to deal with. When arthritis became severe, patients were advised not to speed up, to rest, and to take medication to relieve the symptoms. This is no longer true. Recent research has provided a wealth of evidence that raises questions about arthritis treatment. Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints and is often referred to as rheumatic diseases. There are more than 100 conditions that can be classified as rheumatic.

Psoriasis Arthritis

Psoriasis arthritis and osteoarthritis are just a few of the many conditions. Rheumatoid is one of these conditions, which affects approximately 2 million Americans. Rheumatoid is a condition that can develop in middle age, or more often in the later years of life. However, some people experience symptoms earlier. Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint swelling, stiffness, and sometimes loss of function.

Rheumatoid arthritis manifests in a highly individual way. Some patients experience mild symptoms for a few weeks or years and then their symptoms disappear. Some suffer from mild symptoms, with occasional flares (when symptoms get worsened), and others who experience moderate symptoms. Other patients have periods when the symptoms either get milder or disappear for a while. Patients with severe forms of rheumatoidarthritis, on the contrary, feel constant pain. This pain can last for years and can cause severe joint damage or disability.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can help alleviate arthritis symptoms. Exercise is key to arthritis management. Exercise promotes flexibility, endurance, joint mobility, healthy muscles, and strength. Rest can help to reduce active joint inflammation, fatigue, pain, and other symptoms. You need to balance exercise and rest in order to achieve optimal results. It is important to rest more during active arthritis phases and exercise more when symptoms are decreasing. Patients can gently exercise their joints during flare-ups or recurring symptoms. To determine the best amount of rest, a health care provider should consult you.

Exercises called “range of motion”, such as stretching, dance, and tai-chi, can help maintain regular joint movement and increase joint flexibility. These exercises can be done daily or at least three to four times per week. Mild weight lifting, which helps to strengthen muscles, can be done daily or at least three to four times a week. This plays a key role in protecting and supporting affected joints. These exercises should be performed three to four times per week, unless there is severe pain or swelling.


Walking and swimming are good aerobic exercises that aid the cardiovascular system, muscle tone and weight control. Swimming is a great option for many patients because it has low stress levels and has minimal impact on the body. If the symptoms are not severe, swimming can be done for 20-30 minutes every other days. Your chiropractor can help you move more comfortably and easily. When the body is in alignment and can move freely, pain medication is less necessary.

Chiropractic care can help to reduce the more severe effects of arthritis. Chiropractic care can address lifestyle, diet, exercise, as well as other factors that affect a person’s overall health. Healthy weight and a healthy immune system are important factors in preventing rheumatoid-related complications. Chiropractic care is focused on alignment and physical manipulation so that the joints can benefit from adjustments that reduce pain and stiffness. Additional chiropractic care options are available to address the needs of arthritis patients.


Massage can be used in chiropractic care to reduce stiffness and allow the patient to move more freely. The use of cold and heat compresses can help relieve arthritic pain. Additionally, electrical stimulation can be used to increase endorphin release, which counters pain receptors. Chiropractic care is a holistic, non-invasive way to improve overall health and manage conditions like rheumatoidarthritis. It also reduces the need for strong medications.


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