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healthy food

How to eat Healthy for Weight Loss?

There are many benefits to healthy eating for weight loss other than losing weight. You will experience a significant improvement in your health and you won't become ill. Knowing what healthy foods is the key to your health. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in fighting colds and flu. It's not as simple as it seems. While it may seem simple, there are many factors to consider. The human body…
Clock plate of keto foods

Is Weight the Problem?

Fasting is the willingness to stop eating, drinking, or both for a set period of time. There are many reasons why a person may choose to fast, depending on their personal lifestyle and goals. The person will decide the type of fasting and the time. Some people are not advised to fast. People with wasting diseases, malnutrition, pregnant women, and people with a history or cardiac arrhythmias should not fast.…
Shallow depth

What are Radish Benefits for Health?

Radish was more than a vegetable. It was brought to us by the Mediterranean Sea. Hippocrates spoke highly of the health benefits of this root, especially when used in the treatment for lung diseases. Dioscoride recommended that radishes be used for treating coughs and improving vision. People in ancient Egypt made oil from radish seeds, and the roots were used in food. It is better to eat it before you…
natural, integrative medicine

What is the Future of Integrative Medicine?

In March 2000, the Washington Post was quoted by NBC National News about FDA concerns regarding the mixing of supplements with conventional medications. There were concerns that millions of people were taking supplements (also known as herbs, homeopathic, vitamins and minerals, amino acids and enzymes, and some diet products) and experiencing reactions when they mix them with prescribed medications. This phenomenon has been a concern for me for more than…
painful swollen gout

What is Gout and Pseudo-Gout?

Gout is a condition that results from an inflammation of these crystals. Gout was once a disease that only the wealthy could get. Gout affects over 2 million people today. Gout can affect both men and women. Most often, women are affected after menopause. Gout attacks can be sudden and severe. An overindulgence in certain foods, alcohol, and/or trauma from wearing ill-fitting footwear can trigger an acute attack of gout.…
Summer berries

How can I stop Gout Attacks?

Gout is a medical condition that attacks the joints and tendons as well as other tissues in the body. Gout is a type rheumatic disorder that causes severe pain during attacks. Gout is more common in men than it is in women. However, there have been cases of women who have also developed the condition. There is no cure for gout, but there are steps you can take to prevent…

What are Main Causes for Gout?

Gout is a painful form of arthritis that affects more men than women. Gout is caused by an abnormally high level of uric acid within the blood system. The crystallization of extra uric acid in the body can cause gout. These crystals look like tiny needles and inflame tissues. They can cause severe pain that often occurs at night and can recur at different times. Most commonly affected areas are…