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Do Cherries help with Gout?

Gout pain is hard to describe. Ask anyone who has experienced gout to describe the pain. Many women claim it is worse than childbirth pain. Gout can be very painful and it can be difficult to find relief once it strikes. If you are prone to gout, one way to get rid of it is to avoid another flare-up. There are many ways to do this, but one is through what you eat. Gout diets are not about what you eat, but what you eat. Water is important for good health.

Gout Control

However, it can also help to control gout pain. It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of water per day. This can be achieved by drinking tea or coffee, or sparkling or bottled water. Carbonated juices are another good option for people suffering from gout. These are available in many flavors and are good for your gout. Gout can make certain fruits and vegetables more appealing than others.

Cherries are a must-eat. They have been shown to be good for gout. You can also find frozen or canned versions if you are unable to find fresh ones. Cherry juice is also great. Gout pain can also be relieved by eating bananas.

Gout Pain

Gout pain can be relieved by eating a banana per day. Fish, especially salmon and tuna, is something you should eat more of. People are familiar with eating tuna and salmon sandwiches, which are great choices. Fresh tuna and salmon are also available. Many grocery stores now have fresh fish counters so you can pick a fillet to cook up tonight.

There are many recipes for fish online, but make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients. If you have gout, chocolate is a good choice. Dark chocolate is the best. You can either eat it straight from the bar, or you can mix it with low-fat milk to make homemade hot chocolate. Be careful about how much chocolate you consume. It can add to your daily calories because it contains sugar.


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