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Couple staying hydrated

Is there Safe Natural Healthy Weight Loss?

About 65% of North Americans are overweight or chubby. As a Registered Nurse, I see the complications and results of this growing issue every day. My goal is to help people lose weight safely and healthy. The results they achieve are not long-lasting. It is better to rely on a healthy weight loss option that will give you lasting results. It is important to set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of weight in a short amount…
Walnuts are a tree nut

What is Molybdenum Supplement?

Molybdenum, an essential mineral, is naturally found in the human body. It is a trace mineral that is only present in very small amounts in our bodies, but it performs many important functions in our bodies. Molybdenum can be found in soil and is absorbed into plant or animal foods. Whole grains, legumes and green vegetables are good sources of molybdenum. Hard water could be a good source of molybdenum if it runs through your taps. Molybdenum can also be…
Vitamin D supplement

Why to take Fish Oil Supplements?

This surprised me: Why do you take fish oil supplements? This was the question one of my friends asked me just a few days ago. You are not alone if you have not yet discovered the many health benefits these supplements offer. Continue reading to find out the answer to the question: Why take fish oil supplements? Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for overall health. Fish oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid. These fatty acids are vital…
Guelder Rose

What are Guelder Rose Healing Properties?

Ornamental plants are meant to delight your heart and eyes. They can also be used for medical purposes. Black chokeberry fruits are rich in sugars, flavonoids and vitamins C, P, vitamin C, carotene, organic acid, tannins, and other biologically active substances. These fruits are especially recommended for people suffering from indigestion. They have been shown to reduce atherosclerosis and blood pressure. People with gastritis, excessive gastric acids secretion, and low blood pressure should not consume the juice and fruits of…
Food rich in vitamine E

Why to learn more about Osteoarthritis?

There are many types and types of Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is one example. It is caused when cartilage in one or several joints is lost and broken down. This condition is also known as degenerative arthritis. Cartilage acts as a cushion between bones and joints. Osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis, affects more than 20 million Americans. Hands, feet, spine and hips are the most common joints affected by osteoarthritis. Primary osteoarthritis is most often caused by aging.…
Highlighted ankle

Are there Myths about Bones and Joints?

Accept that ageing can lead to a variety of painful joint conditions. Ageing is not always the cause. Experts at Bangkok Bumrungrad Hospital say that joint pain is usually caused by inflammation of the joint. This condition, also known as arthritis, can have many causes. I was inspired to examine the myths surrounding bones and joints and discover the truth. These myths are false and here is the truth. As we have seen, arthritis risk increases with age. However, seniors…
Fresh sliced celery

What are Pros and Cons of Vitamin Supplements?

Many people use over-the-counter vitamins without knowing the full effects. Vitamin supplements are a great way to help your body, but there are also some drawbacks. It is important to understand how vitamins supplements affect you, especially if they are taken in pill form. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the human body needs to support healthy growth and maintain good health throughout adulthood. Micronutrients are mainly obtained from food and, in some cases, vitamin supplements. Supplements taken without consulting…
Magnifier And Question

Can I diagnose Myself?

Did you know that you can diagnose your own or others by simply looking at their faces? This fascinating method originated in the East and has been used for many years. Take a look in the mirror and do a self-examination. Take a look at the whites of both your eyes. Are you noticing red vessels? It could be that you are not getting enough sleep or are spending too much time at the computer. It is a sign that…