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Pumpkin cream soup

How is a Life on the Atkins Diet?

Three years ago, I tried to lose weight with the Atkins Diet. The Atkins Diet is very low in carbs and high in protein. I lost almost 60 pounds. I felt full and satisfied. I also lost almost 60 pounds from my other bad habits that I quit last year. After just a few weeks, acid reflux, which had been bothering me for years, was gone. I followed the diet exactly, not cheating. I went through the two-week "induction" period…
Tea powder with ginseng root

Is Turmeric an alternative for Health Gain?

The majority of people live faster these days. Fast food is a great option for busy people because it's quick and easy. The result is a compromise in overall health and a shorter lifespan. Health advocates now encourage people to look for healthier alternatives, and turmeric curcumin is just one example. In some Asian countries, turmeric was used as a traditional medicine for centuries. It is still widely used today. The amazing medicinal properties of this herb are not well-known…
Glass bottle olive oil

How to Lose Weight and Feel Great?

Recently, I found out that 66% of the U.S. 32% were obese. In 1980, 47% of Americans were overweight and 15% were obese. This is a remarkable increase in a short time. It is time for you to take control of your health and weight. Being overweight comes with a heavy price tag. These are just a few of the many risks associated with being overweight. Obesity can lead to serious, long-term diseases. You have the power to lose weight.…
A woman has lost a lot of weight

What Diseases are caused by Obesity?

What comes to your mind when you see those fatty guys? How did they get there? Is their condition genetic? These are all fascinating questions with equally interesting answers. But, there is another question that is just as intriguing: What happens to or what are the repercussions for obesity? This obesity can lead to a variety of diseases. These people are more likely to develop fatty liver disease. Fat deposits can build up over time and cause liver tissue damage.…
donut and an apple

How to lose Weight with Diets?

We all know that obesity and its related diseases are quickly becoming a major problem in well-off societies. Excessive body fat is directly linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and many other types of cancer. If weight loss is not done promptly, all of the above diseases can be fatal. Weight loss is best achieved by combining exercise and diet. While temporary weight loss can be achieved by dieting, it is not sustainable. You should combine exercise with a…
fat belly

What are Obesity Causes?

Obesity refers to a condition where the body weight is greater than the maximum normal weight for an individual's age and height. It can be associated with social stigma, weight-related illnesses such as hypertension, heart disease, and gout, as well as other challenges such as social stigma. Here are some ways to prevent obesity. There are many ways to lose weight in a short time. First, it is important to recognize that obesity can be caused by lifestyle factors or…
fresh lemons

How can I beat Obesity?

Obesity is a growing problem in our society, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get better over the next few years. The majority of Western cultures seem to be growing larger despite the fact that the world is becoming more aware of the dangers of obesity. It could be that fast food has become an accepted part of many peoples' diets. Or it could be that children spend less time outside playing computer / console games. But in…
Keto diet poke bowl

What to know about Fad Diets?

Although the fad diet movement has slowed down, it is still believed that at least two-thirds (or more) of Americans are currently on some type or another of diet. Research shows that eating from all major food groups is important. However, many people are still confused about which type of diet to follow. To help readers decide what makes a diet healthy, and when it's time for a change, I will discuss what makes a diet a "fad" diet and…