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Where is the Link between Gout Attacks and Alcohol Consumption?

Gout attacks are often linked to alcohol consumption. Gout attacks are more common in people who drink more alcohol, particularly beer, than in teetotalers. What is the reason for this? What causes a gout attack when alcohol is involved? Once we have a basic understanding of gout, these questions can be answered. Our body has a substance called purines that are found in our cells. These substances break down and produce uric acid. This is a very important chemical that our body needs to protect our blood vessels. Sometimes, however, the body’s uric acid levels can become too high for the kidneys to eliminate through urine.

Uric Acid

This causes uric acid crystals (or monosodium-urate crystals) to form in the tendons and joints. This can lead to gout. This causes inflammation in one or more joints, causing redness, swelling, heat and, of course, agonizing painful sensations in the affected area. It can be argued that the buildup of uric acid in the body is caused by the excessive breakdown and availability of purines.

Purines can also be found in high amounts in alcohol, particularly beer, in a variety of foods, as well as in a variety of vegetable and animal proteins. It is not just speculation that there is a link between gout attacks, alcohol consumption. Scientific studies have confirmed an age-old theory by proving a strong link between the two. Numerous studies and tests have shown that heavy drinkers are more likely to develop gout even though abstinence does not guarantee gout-free living.

Dehydrated bodies can’t excrete urine in normal amounts, which raises the level of uric acids in the body. Due to their high alcohol intake, heavy drinkers are more likely to become dehydrated. Gout is caused by a buildup in uric acid, which can cause crystal formations in the joints. Gout can cause severe pain in the joints and kidney damage. Gout should be treated promptly and you should continue to eat a healthy diet to avoid further complications.


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