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Should I Follow The Anti Gout Diet?

Gout is a common condition that affects millions of Americans each year. There are many things you can do to manage your condition. Gout is a painful condition that is caused by a high level of uric acid in the joints. Uric acid forms salt crystals in the joints made from monosodium-urate. These crystals build up and eventually cause severe pain and inflammation. You can reduce the amount of uric acids that builds up around your joints and prevent gout flare-ups by following an anti-gout diet.

Gout Diet

A gout diet that is effective will eliminate foods high in purine. It has been scientifically proven that purine can help to increase uric acid levels. Gout is a serious condition. Alcohol is your enemy. You should avoid alcohol if you can, but it is best to limit alcohol to special occasions and stay away from beer. Gout sufferers may be helped by fruits such as cherries, blueberries, bananas, oranges, and bananas.

Potatoes and cabbage are two vegetables that may be beneficial. Avoid eating too many dairy products. Gout outbreaks are not likely to occur if you eat chicken and larger fish. However, red meats should be limited. Sweetmeats and kidney meats are often cited as worse than other red meats. Gout can also flare up in some shellfish, herrings, and anchovies. You should also avoid foods that contain purine.

Many people don’t drink enough water. You should aim to get at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water is vital in a gout diet. It helps flush out the system and allows the body to eliminate uric acid buildup. You can eat certain foods sparingly in your diet for gout, such as asparagus, green peas and cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, beans legumes, dried peas (dried peas), oatmeal, wheat bran, and wheat germ.


You should also be careful about your weight when you are following a healthy diet for gout. Gout problems are more common in people who are obese or overweight. Get some exercise and advice from your doctor if you feel that gout is making it difficult to exercise.


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