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Why to follow a Dietary Management for Gout?

Although this disease can temporarily relieve the pain by taking medicine, it is not possible to cure the entire problem. Gout relief can only be achieved by limiting the diet, which is a proper diet control. This diet control requires that you eat only purine-free foods. You can also eat foods with a lower amount of purine. The symptoms of hyper-uricaemia and gout can be reduced if the daily intake of purine is limited to 100-150 mg.

Take Note

Red meat, kidney, shellfish and herring, as well as meat extract, gravy or chopped meat, sweet bread, soyabean and rajma, and alcoholic drinks (especially beer & wine). Wholegrain bread, wholegrain bread, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Soda, coffee, tea, soda, processed cereal, egg, milk, nuts and cream soup. Carbohydrate meal is very beneficial in increasing urate excretion.

Therefore, 50-55% of the total calories of any gout patient’s diet should be carbohydrate. Limiting the intake of protein to 1g per kg should be the goal. It is also important to limit the amount of fat consumed. Fat should not make up more than 30% of total calories.


However, cholesterol should not exceed 300mg per day. Most people who have hyper-uricaemia or gout also have obesity. To keep the disease under control, it’s important to maintain a healthy body weight. It is necessary to reduce the daily calorie intake by 400-500 calories. These are just a few of the many nutrients that must be included in a daily diet. It is necessary to maintain a healthy blood level and prevent the development of kidney stones. It is important to drink at least 3-4 litres of water per day.

This is where vegetables, fruit juice, milk, and milk-products can be very helpful. If gout is severe, you should avoid high- and medium-purine foods such as eggs, butter, cheese, and fries.

Uric Acid Level

Does tea and coffee increase uric acid levels? People believe that tea and coffee should not be consumed if they have gout. In reality, tea and coffee contain no purine that can cause gout. Tea and coffee contain methylated purine which is converted to methyl-uric acid. It is not deposited in the body and is excreted through urine. This is a sample diet. It is important to consult a specialist to determine the best diet for you.

Fasting is not a good idea to lose weight in gout. The liver will become more stressed because the fat that has been accumulated in the body will start to break down. The cell’s nucleic acid also breaks down, which increases the blood uric acid. The risk of severe gout is much higher due to a faster rate of fat metabolism. The condition may also be made more complicated by the high blood lactic acid levels. It is important to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.


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