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Does Frankincense help Gout? Find here 13+ answers that will explain you all

A centuries-old substance could provide new hope to sufferers of inflammatory arthritis or osteoarthritis. This substance is frankincense, or olibanum, which is a resin that comes from the Boswellia tree. Yes, you can use Frankincense for Gout!

Learn about: Boswellia for Gout.

Frankincense History

Frankincense is a tradeable substance that has been used for over 5000 year.[1] Its most notable feature is its unique aroma. It is used in perfumes and incense. It is also used in many religious rituals. Frankincense was believed to have been among the gifts that the biblical Magi, or wise men, gave to baby Jesus along with myrrh (a reddish resin). It is still be burned in the Roman Catholic Church. Frankincense and myrrh are very sacred.

Frankincense plant is also valued for its medicinal properties. The resin can be eaten and used in traditional Asian medicine to promote healthy skin, digestion and good immunity.[2] Frankincense is also used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) for hundreds of years. It is called dhoop. Dhoop is used to treat arthritis, heal wounds, strengthen the female hormonal system, and fight germs and mosquitoes.

Researchers have been studying frankincense for chronic inflammatory conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Frankincense smoking is considering a psychoactive drug that alleviated anxiety and depression.[3]

Frankincense for Gout?

Some gout sufferers have experimented and stated that during a gout attack, a potential herbal remedy may include boswellia extract, curcumin, devil’s claw and yucca instead of taking drugs like colchicine. Obviously the herbs will not help as quickly as colchicine, but you should feel some pain relief within the 24 to 48 hours they claim.[4]

Try this powerful resin, Frankincense effects and benefits are so many: Frankincense for Gout.

A 2005 study showed that gout patients who took boswellia serrata experienced a significant decrease in the frequency of swelling in the affected joint.[5] In another 2006 study, researchers reported that 56 gout patients experienced pain relief after taking boswellia extract.[6]

Studies have also showed that patients suffering from osteoarthritis experienced significant improvements in their condition after taking frankincense extract. Some universities have noticed that frankincense oil was an ancient remedy for inflammatory arthritis in the Somali community and began to study it in the laboratory.[7]

Inflammatory arthritis is defined by the presence of inflammatory white cells in the joint fluid. Gout, a form of arthritis that causes inflammation, is also known as rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis, is non-inflammatory. Both are incurable but can be managed by lifestyle changes and arthritis medications such as Frankincense.[8]

Their research was focused on how frankincense extracts could be used to reduce arthritic inflammation and gout pain. They were able to show that Boswellia serrata inhibited the production key inflammatory molecules. This helped to prevent the painful cartilage breakdown that is common with arthritis and gouty.[9]

Another popular combination is taking boswellia in combination with celery seed and ginger. Others say to try it with quercetin.

And Discover a powerfull combination: Curcumin + Boswellia.

You can buy it here: Fyron G1 + G2

Or separatly:
Fyron G1
Fyron G2

Home Remedy four Gout

frankincense for gout frankincense for gout

What is Frankincense good for?

Highly spiritual, Frankincense is used to calm tensions. Harmonising, it is also suitable in case of low morale.In psycho-energetic aromatherapy and olfactotherapy, it is used to soften mental rigidity, moderate obsessions and lift resistance to change. Purifying, Frankincense also clears the respiratory tract and stimulates the body.

Boswellia serrata extract (Frankincense) is so powerful that it is comparable to conventional anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • It reduces inflammation
  • It helps treat irritable bowel syndrome, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • It reduces joint and arthritic pain
  • It fights cancer
  • It accelerates the healing of infections
  • It prevents autoimmune diseases

Is Frankincense good for health?

Frankincense has many health benefits. Its essential oil is a very popular oil. It effectively calms anxiety and restlessness, supports the individual and gives meaning to life, regardless of the difficult times or prolonged stress.

Anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating, frankincense alleviates pain and inflammation in the joints as well as in the respiratory system. Its healing action can be used in the care of ulcerated wounds.

Frankincense does not present any particular toxic risk. However, it should be stored away from light and heat so as not to degrade it.

What are the healing properties of Frankincense?

Frankincense is so beneficial to our health largely because of its chemical composition which regulates the immune system. It inhibits certain inflammatory cytokines and mediators that would damage DNA, promote tumour growth and destroy healthy cells.

Over the past few decades, research has led to a better understanding of how frankincense can promote our health and strengthen the immune system. Boswellic acid appears to lower inflammatory markers and support immune function on several levels.

Such as:

  • Disrupting the production of inflammation-inducing cytokines (interferon-gamma, interleukin-4 and tumour necrosis factor alpha)
  • Reduction of sensitivities
  • Regulation of lymphocytes (white blood cells) and T-cell interactions
  • Regulation of antibody production (immunoglobulin G (IgG)) that protects the body against bacterial and viral infections

Why is Frankincense so special?

While few people know about Frankincense, Frankincense essential oil, also known as olibanum, is one of the most widely used essential oils in aromatherapy. Among other things, frankincense is used to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve pain, inflammation and boost the immune system.

Often referred to as the "queen of essential oils", frankincense oil was prized by ancient civilizations for its use in sacred practices and balms. Frankincense has always been considered a royal treasure because of its role in the Christian nativity story over two thousand years ago. Frankincense essential oil is one of the most sacred essential oils.

Powerfully anti-inflammatory, it is cortison-like, so it stimulates the pituitary-adrenal axis and is interesting in prolonged inflammatory states. The anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic activities of frankincense are a promising treatment for pain, swelling and reduced mobility of joints.

What is frankincense best used for?

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Reduces stress and negative emotions
  3. Stimulates the immune system
  4. May help fight cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy
  5. Eliminates harmful bacteria
  6. Fights the signs of skin aging
  7. Improves memory
  8. Balances hormone levels and boosts fertility
  9. Facilitates digestion
  10. Facilitates sleep

How to use Frankincence?

Frankincense can be used as a dietary supplement in tablet; but also in drop or oil form. Frankincense oil has many uses for the skin and for inflammation, is therefore a very popular essential oil. The oil can be poured into an atomiser and is therefore very suitable for loosening bronchial mucus.

Frankincense oil can also be used with a few drops on the tongue or in tea.

To use frankincense on the skin, for example in case of inflammation, the oil can be mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and applied to the skin. Test a small area of skin before doing so to ensure that it does not cause an allergic reaction.

For bronchial asthma or other various infections, a few drops can be applied to a cloth and inhaled several times a day.

Is Frankincense anti-inflammatory?

Yes, Frankincense extinguishes immune system reactions, which cause inflammation and swelling. Thus, Frankincense is able to reduce pain and inflammation.

Did you know that frankincense extract can therefore be used optimally as a natural analgesic and is an excellent substitute for conventional painkillers? But unlike common painkillers or prescription drugs that have many side effects, boswellia extract is free of side effects and has been used without complications for thousands of years.

Boswellia extract helps to reduce pain or swelling in arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout or other forms of inflamed joints. In fact, frankincense is on a par with prescription drugs. So, to the question "Does frankincense help with inflammation?", we can definitly say yes.

Is Frankincense good for Joint Pain?

Frankincense is famous in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties, particularly for relieving rheumatic pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. It is now used all over the worlds to treat any kind of joint disease.

Indeed, Frankincense is a 100% natural anti-inflammatory. It slows down the production of the main inflammatory molecules, those linked to diseases such as arthritis, asthma, painful intestinal disorders such as IBS and many other diseases.

It is also useful in slowing down the degradation of cartilage. In fact, research has shown that frankincense is effective in reducing dangerous and painful inflammation. Thus, it is an excellent natural treatment for pain related to muscle, joint and tendon conditions.

How do I use frankincense oil for joint pain?

For physical pain and inflammatory states in joints, you can dilute 2 to 4 drops of frankincense Olibanum essential oil in oily macerate of Arnica, coconut or jojoba, and then apply to the painful area. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.

Ideally combined with other anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic essential oils such as copaiba or gaulthérie.

Is Frankincense good for Gout?

Sure! This powerful resin is known to relieve pain from joint inflammation, arthritis and gout. In addition, it can help relieve bursitis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, ulcers, Crohn's disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and dry or chapped skin. It can also be used to make incense, essential oil, skin care products and cosmetics!

It is best known for helping people who suffer from arthritis such as osteoarthritis or gout. Frankincense is a natural pain reliever as it contains active ingredients like boswellic acids (acetyl-11-ketoβ-boswellic acid) which are super powerful anti-inflammatories that prevent inflammatory white blood cells from penetrating damaged tissue.

They also increase the blood supply to inflamed joints helping to repair any damage caused by inflammation or gout attack and help stimulate cartilage growth.

Can you take Curcuma and Frankincense together?

Frankincense (boswellia serrata) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) have both been used successfully in holistic medicine for centuries. In many ways they are very similar in that both can reduce inflammation. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which allows it to fight the same diseases as frankincense.

The researchers therefore believe that the combination of turmeric and frankincense can have a dual effect and should be taken together. The resulting powerful synergy seems to be far more effective than just using these tools. When both are taken, many interactions help to reduce any toxic phenomena that may occur to the individual.

By taking turmeric and frankincense simultaneously, symptoms can be significantly improved and success can be achieved more quickly.

How dangerous is Frankincense?

Boswellia is known to be safe when taken orally for up to six months. It is also safe when applied to the skin for up to five weeks. It's better to make a good evaluation for a longer treatment.

When should Frankincense not be taken?

The use of boswellia is contraindicated in pregnant women (as a precautionary measure) or in nursing mothers. Also, to avoid interactions between boswellic acids and certain medications, people undergoing treatment should seek the advice of their doctor.

Can you treat gout with herbal products?

If you have gout, it is extremely unlikely you will be in a position to be as energetic as you wish to be but now you'll be able to find treatments because of this condition that occur normally. Using herbal products for gout is among the possible options you can consider. The discomfort of gout has usually been described as though you can find sharp shards of cup in the joints causing the sufferer almost struggling to walk, however, increasing numbers of people are turning to natural treatments to alleviate the pain and occasionally, do not have an attack again.

Why herbal medicine is the best against gout?

It may seem that using herbal treatments for gout is not an excellent option, but with just a little patience, it has been established that they do really work. Herbal medication has been used for the treating different ailments for years and years.

Today, herbal remedies have become popular for just two reasons; one is they are significantly cheaper compared to the medical substances manufactured by drug businesses, and two is that we now have none of the medial side effects connected with using traditional medicines.

Why to use herbal supplements against gout condition?

Once you add to this the truth that most herbal supplements can be purchased simply by going to your neighborhood grocery supermarket, after that one can see the capability of taking the herbal path.

Herbs which could help with the reduction of gout are many and by researching the net you will discover some herbs that could even be growing is likely to back yard. By considering the properties of different plant life you'll soon discover if you can find any herbal remedies for gout in your area, but herbs alone won't cure this condition, they're just a area of the treatment.

Why is a healthy lifestyle a main kei for gout relief?

It's important that a nutritious diet is maintained with consuming less high Purine foods and much more meals that contain antioxidants. The drinking of dark cherry juice in concentrated type is also recognized as an excellent aid for the pain, when considering herbs for gout, understand that they will become an aid when found in conjunction with a managed healthy diet. So have a look in your cupboards, you might be closer than you imagine to some treatment for gout.

Do epsom salts baths help with gout symptoms?

Epsom Salt baths. To relieve the discomfort and inflammation of gout, add 2 to 3 teaspoons Epsom salts to a footbath or basin large enough to cover the affected foot/joint. The water should be as hot and as comfortable as you can tolerate. For approximately thirty minutes, soak the gouty joint in the hot water.

You can also use this technique if you take an Epsom salt bath for your whole body. This will work if the gout is not in the foot. You will need to make one to two cups from Epsom salts in this instance (follow the directions on the package).

Why to consume more nettle tea if you suffer from gout?

Nettle tea is a great option for treating gouty joint pain. It increases the body's excretion of uric acids. It works by helping to eliminate urates from your body. You can use it as a tea or as a tincture. For mild cases, the teas are fine. However, tinctures are recommended for more severe cases.


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  5. S. Lesellier and M. Mohamed, “Cembranoids from the gum resin of Boswellia serrata as potential antiulcerative colitis agents,” Journal of Natural Products, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1921–1956, 2014.View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar
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  8. Vickery S., Schilling R., Gupla Z. and Simons Q., A Balanced Approach for Frankincense oil in Chronic Pain, Frontiers in pharmacology, pp.115–131. doi:12.20305/kl.2027.12.67.127.
  9. Xuesheng H., Damian R., and Tory L. Parker, Biological activities of frankincense essential oil in human dermal fibroblasts, Biochim Open, Published online 2017 Feb 3. doi: 10.1016/j.biopen.2017.01.003 | Publisher Site



  • Edson
    Posted 2. November 2022 at 16:48

    It was very new for me to learn that Boswellia can help against Gout. I was recently diagnosed with Gout and didn’t even know what it was. This site has helped me a lot because now I know what Gout is and also how to treat it. I will definitely follow the recommendations of this info and seek relief from these intense pains.

  • Martha
    Posted 25. April 2023 at 20:35

    I didn’t know Frankincense was so good for comabing gout symptoms. I enjoy reading articles like this. I’ll start treating my gout the natural way.

  • Lena
    Posted 21. May 2024 at 22:16

    Fyron G1+G2 is amazing for helping with joint health. My husband stopped taking it for a while, maybe a couple of weeks. He suffers from gout and was only getting a cortisone shot to relieve the pain. When it wore off, the inflammation returned and he was practically incapacitated for a whole week. After resuming with the daily Fyron G1+G2 drops, the inflammation has subsided. This supplement is worth its weight in gold to him!!!!!

  • Michal K.
    Posted 27. May 2024 at 20:44

    Fyron G1 Curcuma+ Fyron G2 Boswellia was exactly what I was looking for. It does not leave an after taste. I have been using this supplement for more then a year. I have cardio vascular disease and inflammation in other areas of my body. This product has improved my health. It has helped reduce the amount of inflammation in my knees and my cardiologist says to continue taking this supplement. Overall I am very happy and satisfied with this product. I am going to look at other supplements from IncHealth.

  • Kevin
    Posted 29. May 2024 at 22:43

    I have given flavour 5 stars but i do not think there is a taste, i have looked at other products but they are all more expensive, i take Fyron G1 Curcuma mainly for my gout knees, when i am doing a bending job i can still feel them which is good as it is a warning to be careful, but the next day i do not have the same pain as i did before the turmeric if its that working then im glad i take it, if not then my arthritis has got better, must be a miracle!!!

  • Richard
    Posted 30. May 2024 at 13:28

    Fyron G1+G2 seems to have worked for me. I can’t imagine what else has caused my improvement. I have two very arthritic thumbs that are much improved. I was going to operate on them, but not with this improvement. I can now pick up a plate of food with one hand instead of both. It still hurts a little, but not much. It took me six to eight weeks to get to the point where I am. I still use a modified grip to do some things, but I have noticed a big difference. I have done this review because I hope others will have the success I have had with Curcuma and Boswellia.

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