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Medicinal Pau d'Arco

What are Sports Supplements good for?

Sports supplements are products used by athletes to improve their performance. These supplements are available on the market as energy bars, sports drinks, and energy gels. These products include amino acids, vitamins and herbal extracts, minerals, and plant extracts. Supplements may also contain fiber such as psyllium and guar gum, enzymes, and other hormone-mimicking compounds. Since time immemorial, these ergogenic products were used by athletes. The ancient Greeks used mushrooms as a way to improve their athletic skills. Today's sport…
pear with arrows

Why Weight Loss is so complicaded?

Although weight loss is a common part of daily life, it's not an easy goal. It is something we do every day. There are a few ways to lose weight safely and effectively. Weight gain and weight loss are directly related the balance between calories you eat and calories you burn through exercise and daily activities like sports. A "natural weight" should be your goal. The average teenager needs 1,700 to 3,000 calories per day to meet their physiologic needs,…
Organic food for healthy

Are there healthy Ways to Dieting?

People think that dieting means eating less. If this is not true, people will even eat nothing. 2. You want to lose weight as quickly as possible. Do not starve yourself if you have a reason to lose weight. A healthy diet is essential for your body. This is not a way to lose weight, but it is a necessity for a healthier body. What is healthy eating? What does it have that the opposite doesn't? How do you know…
Allergy food concept

What are Allergies and how to treat them?

We need to be aware of how allergies affect us and those we care about. Allergies are becoming more complex. There are many types of allergies that can affect everyone. These are the essential facts that everyone should know about allergies to increase awareness and improve our knowledge. What is an allergy? An allergy is a disorder in the immune system that causes a severe reaction to foreign substances that appear harmless. The foreign object that causes an unusual reaction…
dried rosmary

What is the Link between Weight Loss and Hair Loss?

Is there a connection between weight loss and hair loss? There are many factors that can cause hair loss. Hair grows in a continuous cycle of growing, resting and shedding. The whole process is repeated over and over again. It is common for between 50 and 100 hair strands to fall each day. You don't have to worry about it because every strand that falls out is replaced with a new one. Both come from the same follicle, which is…
Sportswoman exercising

How to lose Belly Weight Fast?

Take a look at your daily eating habits and take a look at your diet to find out what is wrong. You might consider changing your lifestyle if you are overweight. Take note of your eating habits for at least two to three days. What is your daily intake? What are your main food ingredients? What is the reason you eat at different times? This will show you the difference in the time it takes to eat your meals and…
blackberry, strawberry, blueberry

What to know about Fasting Diet?

Fasting is not a physical exercise, but a spiritual one. Fasting is nothing more than starvation. It can lead to protein wasting in the heart, liver and kidneys, skin, and muscle. Fasting can also lead to weakness, dizziness and headaches, as well as ketosis, attack of gout, and dizziness. Fasting is not a good way to lose weight. You have two options. You can choose to fast and lose weight quickly, but you also have the option of looking good…
A woman has lost a lot of weight

What Diseases are caused by Obesity?

What comes to your mind when you see those fatty guys? How did they get there? Is their condition genetic? These are all fascinating questions with equally interesting answers. But, there is another question that is just as intriguing: What happens to or what are the repercussions for obesity? This obesity can lead to a variety of diseases. These people are more likely to develop fatty liver disease. Fat deposits can build up over time and cause liver tissue damage.…