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How to prevent Chronic Joint Pain?

There are many reasons why people can develop bursitis. However, prevention is the best treatment for chronic joint pain. Repetitive use of the joints, especially if you are overweight, can put unnecessary stress on your bursa. Some activities can’t be avoided because of the demands of daily life. This is especially true for those who spend a lot time on their knees and those who engage in vigorous sporting activities. However, there are many things you can do to prevent injury to your joints.


Before we get to that, let’s briefly discuss bursitis. A bursa (a membrane containing fluid) is found near a joint. It acts as a cushion between bone and muscle. The fluid is released when the joint is functional. This allows the joints to move freely and without friction. The fluid can no longer be released when the bursa becomes inflamed, infected, and there is no cushion between the joint and muscle.

Bursitis, or inflammation, causes joint and muscle friction, causing pain and friction in the joints. This is a common condition that can occur when a joint gets too much use. Bursitis may also be caused by gout, infection, or other conditions. After reviewing your symptoms and lifestyle, your doctor will apply pressure to the affected area to check if your joints are functioning properly. You may be ordered to have x-rays taken to rule out other causes.


However, bursitis can still be diagnosed with a regular x-ray. If your doctor suspects that bursitis is caused by gout or infection, they may request a sample from your bursa for analysis. This is a minor procedure. Avoiding repetitive motion of a joint is the best way to prevent bursitis. Bursitis can develop in the legs if you are overweight. Weight loss is strongly recommended. Protective gear is recommended for those who are subject to repetitive strain and overuse of the joint, such as professional athletes or professionals.

Your symptoms should subside within a few days to weeks if you modify your activities and rest the joint. To relieve joint pain and reduce inflammation, you may consider taking aspirin or ibuprofen. All-natural supplements are an option if you can’t take aspirin products because of stomach upset.


These supplements have been proven to be effective in relieving pain and swelling. They lubricate the joints and allow the joint to regain its flexibility. Your doctor may recommend surgery if bursitis occurs repeatedly in the same joint. This is a rare procedure, but it may be necessary if there are multiple episodes of bursitis in the same joint or if your infection does not respond to antibiotic treatment.


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