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Mint tea bag

What is a good Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Did you know that your kitchen can double as a natural remedy for heartburn? There are many amazing ways to treat heartburn with common foods that you probably already have. Bananas: A quick way to stop heartburn is to eat a ripe banana. Although no one knows why, ripe bananas (not those with greenish skins!) work quickly to neutralize stomach acids. Heartburn can be caused by unripe bananas. Raw Almonds: Consuming raw almonds after a meal can prevent heartburn from…
St. John's wort

What are the Benefits of St. John Wort for Mild Depression?

John's Wort has been shown to be effective in mild to moderate depression. It is also comparable to more powerful or toxic antidepressants. It is safe and effective for patients suffering from mild to moderate anxiety or depression. Other reported benefits, such as an antimicrobial agent to treat neuropathy, antiinflammatory, treatment option for atopic skintitis, and antioxidant, are not well documented. Further research is required. St. John's Wort has an inherent safety margin. Most adverse drug reactions (ADRs), reported to…
Shilajit or shilajeet

What are the Health Benefits of Shilajit?

I had never heard of mineral pitches until recently. It is a tar-like substance made from concentrated prehistoric plant material that was covered by the Himalayas during their formation due to tectonic plates colliding. They also swallowed an ancient sea, whose waters evaporated over time, leaving behind traces in the form Himalayan salt. A local book seller told me that he had problems with his hand, which was becoming a claw, and that he couldn't straighten them. He sought advice…
Intermittent fasting

What should I be doing to Lose Weight?

The average diet requires that a person work hard for a while to lose weight, then they are left to maintain their results. Most "diets" don’t work. They can actually help someone lose weight and increase muscle mass. The person will inevitably gain all of the weight gained after the diet is over. Do you feel this way? This isn't unusual. Most people don’t know what it takes to lose weight, not just the "fat", and be able keep it…
Walnuts are a tree nut

What is Molybdenum Supplement?

Molybdenum, an essential mineral, is naturally found in the human body. It is a trace mineral that is only present in very small amounts in our bodies, but it performs many important functions in our bodies. Molybdenum can be found in soil and is absorbed into plant or animal foods. Whole grains, legumes and green vegetables are good sources of molybdenum. Hard water could be a good source of molybdenum if it runs through your taps. Molybdenum can also be…
ginkgo leaves

What are Natural Healing Herbs?

Vicodin, an analgesic, is well-known. However, the world still knows it as a painkiller. Because it takes longer to treat than other treatment options, allopathic is less common. There is a large population that would prefer natural herbs that heal to drugs that can cause side effects. The use of herbs can cure almost all diseases. All existing herbs and those given by nature have benefits for humans. Devil's claw is a well-known herb in Africa and Europe. It has…
Happy overweight woman

What is a correct Workout Nutrition?

Proper nutrition is about a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. However, these are often overlooked in favor of immediate results. If you see progress in your physical bulk, there is no reason to believe that shortcuts can be detrimental to your health. Even if you consume too many nutrients, it defeats the purpose of a holistic exercise program. Even if your progress is slow and not up to the standards of your gym buddies, a well-regulated program can't be…

What are the most Fattening Foods?

In the early 1900's, whole dairy products, meats and white flour were the main foods people ate. More butter and animal fats were added. Heart disease was responsible for only 10% of all deaths at the time. Between 1920 and 1955, the number of deaths due to heart disease soared to 40%. To explain the rapid rise in heart disease, a "lipid hypothesis" was developed. Scientists discovered that cholesterol levels increased with increased dietary fat intake. Heart disease victims were…