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What is a good Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Did you know that your kitchen can double as a natural remedy for heartburn? There are many amazing ways to treat heartburn with common foods that you probably already have. Bananas: A quick way to stop heartburn is to eat a ripe banana. Although no one knows why, ripe bananas (not those with greenish skins!) work quickly to neutralize stomach acids. Heartburn can be caused by unripe bananas. Raw Almonds: Consuming raw almonds after a meal can prevent heartburn from starting. Make sure you are a good hostess and share the almonds after dinner. They work better if you chew them well. Keep a few in your purse or pocket for emergency situations.

Did you know?

Apples are well-known for their ability to stop heartburn. You can either slice up an apple and enjoy it with your meal or take whole apples with yourself when you travel. You don’t need to eat the whole apple. Just a few slices will suffice. Galas are worth trying. Natural, organic apple cider is another way apples can be helpful. This “vinegar remedy”, has been around for a while. Bragg’s Apple Cider is the most well-known brand, but regular vinegar and other brands will also work. You can try apple cider vinegar to treat heartburn. Start with one teaspoon at the first sign. It may feel a little hot as it cools, but should subside within a few seconds.

To cut down on the taste, you can mix the vinegar with water or make tea with it. Many people with gout have found this to be effective. Lemon juice: This may help with heartburn, even though it may sound strange. Lemons are acidic in the mouth, but alkaline in the body. Drinking water with lemon after meals can help to calm your heartburn. You can test them out to see if they work for you. There are many other foods that can be used to treat heartburn. They can be found in most grocery stores or natural health food stores. Dried papaya, for example, contains enzymes that aid in the digestion of meat. These supplements can be carried in your purse or pocket so you don’t have to worry about your heartburn.

Benefits of Tea

Do you love the aroma of hot tea? Do you feel awake and alert throughout the day after a cup of tea? Are you convinced that tea is a stress buster? Do you like the taste of tea to linger on your tongue? Do you really understand why you love tea? Flavanoids are natural polyphenolic compounds found in tea that aid in maintaining a healthy metabolism. These compounds act as stimulants, giving tea its delicious taste and aroma. India’s tea consumption is estimated to be 700 million Kgs. Tea is safe if you drink less than 3-4 cups daily. If you don’t add any flavours to your tea, it won’t cause acidity. Iced tea is a refreshing drink all over the world.

They are classified as White, Green and Black teas, as well as Pu-reh or medicinal teas, which are more rare. Tea is available in three forms: Leaf, Granules, or Dust. All three forms of tea have the same properties. According to legend, Shen Nung, the Second Emperor of China discovered tea when its leaves accidentally blew into hot water. It traveled from China to Japan, Turkey and the Netherlands, Europe, and New York. It arrived in India during British rule. Assam is India’s most important plantation region. It is believed that Sanjeevani herbs, which Hanuman brought from the Himalayas in Ramayana to save many lives, was also a tea plant. Tea Party is a prestigious event that is celebrated by high-ranking people.

Tea Ceremonies

There are many Tea Ceremonies around the world. It is used as a natural stimulant to reduce fatigue. It is rich in Theophylline, little Caffeine (upto 30% less than coffee), also known as Theine, which acts to boost energy. Polyphenol (multiple phytons) is an antioxidant that helps to prevent and control cancer and Cardio vascular disease. Green tea contains Hydroxybenzene, which prevents cancer cells spreading, prevents Rheumatoid arthritis, and prevents heart attacks. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a Catechin found in green tea, is used to treat AIDS. It can also be used to treat cancer. Green tea aids in the building of immunity and prevents tooth decay. It helps maintain glowing skin, healthy hair, and reduces the signs of aging.

Although mild, black tea can aid in digestion and bowel problems. It can also be helpful in treating spleen conditions. It can be beneficial in many ways, including as a ‘Medicinal Tea’. It can help you lose weight by lowering your blood cholesterol. Every coin has a side. We say that too much of anything can spoil everything. Excessive consumption of tea can have harmful effects on the body. Green tea can cause sensitive breast cancer, liver damage, stomach and heartburns, and kidney and liver damage.

Be aware!

Excessive consumption of tea can cause fatigue, irritability and nervousness. Due to the toxic components in tea, excess can cause gout, arthritis, and urinary infection. It can also worsen PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), and weakens the gums, thereby causing damage to teeth. Excessive consumption of Green Tea can cause brittle bones and browning of teeth. The Indian tea industry is the second largest employer in India, employing more than 1,000,000 people. More than half of them are women. It also has the highest revenue. The total turnover is approximately Rs. The net export revenue per annum is approximately Rs. How to make good tea Make tea by adding 1 teaspoon (3-5g) of tea to 1 cup of 200-250 ml of boiling water. Leave the tea to steep for 3-4 minutes.

Filter the tea and add sugar, milk, or any flavor you like. Now your tas’tea tea is ready. A cold tea bag can be used to cover the eyes. The tannin acid in warm tea bags helps shrink the volume of warts if they are left to steep for a few days. Combine the tea leaves and lemon juice. Strain it. This mixture can be applied to your hair and left to soak for a half an hour before you wash it. You can use the Wet Tea Bags to protect your skin from the sun and sunburn cream. Sun dried tea leaves can be used as a natural mosquito repellent. Dermatophytosis can be treated with green tea, which has a high amount of tannin. Tea water can be used to soak and wash the feet. Although the process can take a while, there are no side effects. You can use brewed tea to wash silk clothes. It retains the lustre of silk and its colour. You can use tea to treat dry skin by steaming the affected areas with tea leaves. Tannin’s properties help to soften the skin and clear pores.


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