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Agave Syrup in a Bowl

Is Agave Syrup good for my Health?

Recently, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), has been in the news. It can lead to obesity, as more people are finding out. Recent studies have shown that HFCS can contain mercury depending on how it is made. As an alternative to HFCS, some have turned to agave syrup. It is sweet and easy-to-use. Is agave syrup good? Recent studies have shown that agave syrup can be even worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup in certain ways. Fructose is one sugar…
roasted coffee beans

Does Coffee have Disease Prevention Benefits?

Are there more benefits to coffee for disease prevention? You've probably seen the news about coffee's disease-fighting benefits. This is great news for Java lovers and allows you to enjoy your morning cup of Joe guilt-free. Newer research has shown that coffee offers more benefits than previously thought, including lowering your risk of developing type II diabetes, liver dysfunction, and hepatitis. It has been shown that coffee can reduce the risk of stroke, prostate cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The Hepatology…
Oat milk

What is the Glycemic Index?

Glycemic Index refers to a scale that is used to assess the rate at which glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is different from pure glucose. The glycemic Index is used by some nutrition professionals to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar. All carbohydrates can be tested to determine how they affect blood sugar levels. This includes starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, desserts, fruits and bread. Glycemic index variations can occur in both the diabetic and non-diabetic.…
Foods rich in calcium

What Foods need to be avoided if I have Gout?

Gout and possibly kidney stones can be caused by high levels of uric acid. Learn here what causes high levels of uric acid and why it is important to adjust your diet. Also, learn how you can naturally treat high acid levels without the use of expensive drugs and side effects. Your body produces uric acid naturally from the breakdown of chemical compounds known as "purines", which are vital in providing you with protein and energy. Your kidneys are responsible…
You're loved by everyone around you

Are there Nutrients that accelerate Aging?

Two things are important to keep in mind when you try to eat food and nutrients that reduce the effects of ageing. You should not only choose foods that will delay the aging process but also avoid foods that can cause more damage to the body. Sugar is a key nutrient that causes aging. Glycosylation is a process in which glucose molecules react with proteins and DNA. This dangerous liaison can lead to the destruction of valuable genetic material and…
Various types of sugar

What to know about Fake Sugar?

You're determined to lose weight. To help you do this, you're going artificial sweeteners. Hold on! This is what you need to know before you reach for the diet soda. People who use artificial sweeteners more often gain weight than those who use the real thing. Diet drinks are even worse! Artificial sweeteners can greatly increase insulin levels. Artificial sweeteners can make it difficult to feel satisfied. Manufacturers often use two or more artificial sweetness in their processed foods to…