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glucose meter

How to deal with Diabetes and High Glucose Levels?

Diabetes sufferers must monitor their glucose levels for a long period of time. Some diabetics begin checking their blood sugar levels after being diagnosed. This is a refresher course to all diabetics. All diabetics need to ensure that they are following the steps. Use soap and warm water to wash your hands. To test for sugar, you can also use alcohol wipes. Dry your hands well as moisture can affect the glucose reading. Place a new lancet into the lancing…
Agave Syrup in a Bowl

Is Agave Syrup good for my Health?

Recently, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), has been in the news. It can lead to obesity, as more people are finding out. Recent studies have shown that HFCS can contain mercury depending on how it is made. As an alternative to HFCS, some have turned to agave syrup. It is sweet and easy-to-use. Is agave syrup good? Recent studies have shown that agave syrup can be even worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup in certain ways. Fructose is one sugar…
overweight smiling woman

What are the Effects of Being Obese?

Obesity (or excess body fat) is often caused by eating too many energy-rich foods and not enough exercise to burn off calories. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.3 billion adults worldwide will be overweight in 2015 and more than 700 million will be obese. Obesity can have serious consequences for your health and increase your risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Because it is more difficult to walk, exercise, or get up in the morning, obesity leads to deconditioning.…
Different kinds of sugar

How to deal with Diabetes?

80 million Americans are not yet diagnosed as pre-diabetic (with impaired sugar tolerance). Insulin is a hormone that helps the body move sugar through the bloodstream to be used or stored. Insulin resistance is a condition that leads to high glucose levels. This can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Consumption of too many processed foods and grains is one of the leading causes. Vitamin D is important for fighting flu and cold symptoms. Vitamin D…