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What are Gout Ways for Relief?

Gout is a form arthritis where uric acid builds up in the joints (ankles and elbows, heels and wrists). Gout sufferers will find that “solidifies in joints” is more than a sound effect. Gout can often be described as red, swollen and tender joints. Gout is not osteoarthritis. It is caused by uric acid, a byproduct of the body’s purine processing. Although the kidneys filter out uric acids, high levels or kidney problems can cause it to remain in the bloodstream.

Gout Causes

Gout can be caused by high levels of uric acids in the blood. This is called hyperuricemia. Gout can be caused by genetics, diet, inefficient excretion urate or a combination of these factors. Gout can also be caused by other medical conditions. Gout can also be caused by diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and leukemia. Gout can start as a flare-up and then recur depending on how one eats and lives.

Gout is not a treatable condition. However, one can manage it with a healthy diet. Gout is often linked to excessive consumption of alcohol, seafood, and foods rich in purine, such as organ meats, sardines and red meats, beans, wine, and beer.

Gout Attacks

Gout attacks can be reduced by limiting the intake of these foods. Modifying one’s diet can prevent severe gout attacks and long-term joint damage. It will also lower blood levels of uric acids and naturally reduce the discomfort and pain that comes with the condition. Gout sufferers should exercise, as obesity and sedentary lifestyles are major factors in the development of the disease.

Gout can be relieved by a healthier lifestyle that is more active. Gout sufferers should also consider water therapy, which involves drinking lots of water and eating garlic. Contrast hydrotherapy is also an option during an attack. You can do this by applying a hot water compress to the affected area for three minutes, then switching to a cold water compress after 30 seconds. The process is repeated. This is believed to reduce pain and dissolve uric crystals. Gout sufferers should eat a healthy diet and make lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of severe attacks.


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