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How to control Gout Foot Pain and Swelling?

Too much stress can cause foot pain and swelling. The force generated by each step is approximately 50% more than your actual body weight. On average, a person spends around four hours on their feet per day and takes between 8,000 and 10,000 steps. Your feet are responsible for supporting a force that is equal to hundreds of tons of repetitive stress every day. Family practice physicians often hear about foot pain and swelling as a common complaint.

Pain Factor

Consider how many times you feel your feet hurting at the end of the workday. Now, imagine getting off your feet for a few moments. You will be able to tell if your feet hurt. Let’s not forget about the fact that your feet are sore from too much walking. Maybe there is a foot problem. Let’s look at some of the most common causes of a sore foot. Are you suffering from arthritis of the feet or other foot conditions? It could be that arthritis is causing your painful feet.

Osteoarthritis can cause difficulty walking and make it difficult to complete daily activities. You may find your gait is affected by osteoarthritis. This can impact your feet as well as your hips, knees, and ankles. Are you diabetic? If so, you might have painful feet due to a common condition called peripheral neuropathy.


Are you obese or overweight? It is easy to see how excess weight can cause foot pain. Too many Oreos can be a problem! You can ignore the problem and increase pressure on your feet and soft tissues. This will increase the chances of developing foot conditions such as tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. The root cause of foot irritation should be addressed. Talk openly with your doctor about your problem, and make sure you follow the prescribed treatment plan. You should pay attention to foot swelling and pain, regardless of whether it is an acute or chronic issue. Take care of your feet so they can carry you to exciting new adventures. Here’s to happy feet!


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