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Is Meat Bad For Arthritis?

I have been a Rheumatoid arthritis patient myself. I know firsthand how terrible it can be and how difficult it is to live during those years. People love meat and consider it the most important part of every meal. They believe that meat is essential for a healthy diet, as it provides protein, iron, and other nutrients. Truth is that meat is not essential for human wellbeing. Any positive benefits it offers can easily be obtained from plant sources without the negative side effects.

Take Note

  • As a percentage of calories, meat, including fish, is high in fat.
  • Animal meat does not contain dietary fiber. While beneficial bacteria needs to eat plant fiber, unwanted pathogens thrive on animal dung. Fiber is essential for regular, regular stool that is easy to pass. It doesn’t make sense to eat a large portion of my meals without dietary fiber. Fiber is a key component of getting well.
  • Carbohydrates are easier than meat to digest, which relieves stress on the stomach. Because proteins are made entirely of amino acids, they can cause acid formation. The sulfur-containing amino acid, which is broken down to sulfuric acid, are the most acidifying. These sulfur-containing amino acid are found most often in animal products such as meat, poultry, eggs, and fish. The highly acidifying sulfur-containing amino compounds found in meat are 4 times more than those found in vegetable-based proteins. You may have learned in chemistry class that to neutralize an acids you need a base. The body neutralizes these acids using the best base it has, calcium. Calcium is taken from the bones and used to counter these acids. This causes the bones to become weaker, leading to osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.
  • Other chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are linked to animal proteins, which includes all animal products, including milk, cheese, and all dairy products. Prescription medicine is the fourth most deadly drug in the US. This is because it is not prescribed. My Dad was able reduce his blood pressure by eliminating all animal-based foods for four days. His blood pressure dropped from 160/110 down to 127/78. This kind of improvement is rare in Western medicine. However, it is possible to predict and repeat the effects of food on the body. If you already have a serious condition, why would you eat foods that cause more disease?
  • Animal proteins create fat cells in the body by creating stores for the excess acidity the body is trying reduce. You can only eat as much fat as you keep. Cholesterol is high in animal foods. This is something that no one wants in their bloodstream. Plant-based foods contain zero cholesterol.
  • Uric acid is found in animal products. This excess can lead to arthritic conditions such as gout. My book Natural Cure For Rheumatoid arthritis contains a remarkable testimonial about a man suffering from gout who used the program to eliminate all his pain within a week.
  • Avoiding animal foods is the most important thing you can do to help the environment. A whole book called “Diet for the New America” is dedicated to this topic. It has to do with how much land and resources are required to produce animal foods vs.. The world would be a very different place if everyone only ate plant-based foods.
  • Plant-based diets are non-violent and uphold the Commandment of “thou shall not murder”.
  • Meat tastes bad. Seriously! It’s delicious without any condiments, mustard, salt, or seasoning. A little bit of animal muscle, without any seasoning. It is worth noting that I have never had any pre-existing prejudices about eating meat. I grew up in a family that served steak at least once per day. In truth, I was reluctant to give up meat. I only stopped eating meat after I learned the truth about meat and saw the health benefits of a meat-free diet.


Everyone wants to find another source of protein. The obsession with protein seems to be a Western love affair. Protein is a combination of building blocks called “Amino Acids” which can be combined in many ways to create different forms of protein. This is exactly the same as how all words in English are made from different combinations of letters in the alphabet. There are 20 amino acids that make up the building blocks of protein. All of these amino acids can be made by plants and some bacteria, making them ‘complete’ proteins.

Humans can only make 12 amino acids without food. Therefore, we need the remaining 8. These 8 amino acids are known as ‘essential amino acids’, which refers to ‘essential for our diet’. These 8 essential amino acids are abundantly found in plants. You can eat meat as much as you like, but I’m not your Mother. I can’t tell what you should do, but there is strong evidence to suggest that you omit it. I would be omitting soon. Isn’t now a good time to do this? If you eat meat, I don’t think you can cure Rheumatoid Arthritis.


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