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  • 痛みを和らげるために抗炎症薬やコルヒチンを服用する。
  • 氷の局所塗布
  • 患部関節の安静
  • 1日に2〜3リットルの水を飲む。
  • 動物性タンパク質(特に赤身肉と内臓肉)を多く含む食品を控える
  • 乳製品と野菜を多く摂る
  • 段階的でバランスのとれた減量
  • 必要に応じて副腎皮質ホルモンの注射や関節穿刺を行う。








What triggers a gout attack?

A number of different situations can trigger a gout attack: direct shock, surgery, abrupt cessation or initiation of certain treatments (low-dose aspirin, diuretics, certain antibiotics, allopurinol), all events leading to dehydration, low intake of beverages (water!!), certain alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beer or overeating. See the advice to follow section.

What causes hyperuricaemia?

Uric acid is a product of the breakdown of purines, which are found in certain foods (cooked meats, beer, with or without alcohol, offal, etc.) in varying quantities. Hyperuricaemia may be due to : - excessive production of uric acid, following an excessive intake of purines in the diet or excessive production of uric acid by the body; - poor elimination of uric acid due to certain types of medication (diuretics, aspirin, etc.) or a kidney abnormality.

What can I do to prevent gout attacks?

The main advice is to adapt your lifestyle and follow certain dietary hygiene rules: avoid being overweight, keep sufficiently and regularly hydrated with water, take part in regular moderate physical exercise and, above all, avoid or limit foods rich in purines (offal, shellfish, game, beer with or without alcohol, etc.) or fructose (sweetened soft drinks such as colas and other fruit juices), which are sources of uric acid. See the advice section.

What can you do to treat gout?

An inflamed joint requires a quick visit to the doctor. In the meantime, the pain can be relieved with ice and possibly a painkiller such as ibuprofen.

If gout attacks are frequent, it may be worth paying attention to your lifestyle. Try to lose excess weight, increase your physical activity and cut down on certain foods. Certain products are rich in purines, which break down into uric acid. These include meat (especially offal and game), fish, shellfish, alcohol (especially beer) and sugary drinks. Similarly, it's best to eat low-fat dairy products. Eating foods that are less rich in purines can help to lower uric acid levels in the blood and reduce the frequency of gout attacks. Avoiding purine altogether is not possible, nor does it make much sense.

How is gout diagnosed?

The doctor will ask you questions and carry out a detailed clinical examination. He will want to know if this is the first time you have had an inflamed joint. He will also check whether the pain occurs in other places or whether you have any other problems and/or are taking any medication. He or she may also talk to you about your diet. It may be important to mention any recent infections or tick bites. The aim of the examination is to rule out any sores, to make sure that the joint is inflamed and to examine other joints as well. A general examination may also be advisable.

A blood test is often carried out to determine uric acid levels. Concentrations usually rise in gout, but values are often low during an acute attack. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the doctor will take a sample of joint fluid for microscopic analysis.

1 コメント

  • タミー
    投稿 20.9月 2022 15:34

