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How do you Treat Rheumatism?

Rheumatism is considered a chronic inflammatory disease. To treat rheumatism, doctors prescribe analgesics and painkillers such as paracetamol, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If this first line of treatment fails, rheumatologists may offer patients corticosteroid injections to relieve the inflammation. In the case of chronic inflammatory rheumatism, background treatments are combined with painkillers to control the disease and space out inflammatory attacks.

For most patients, drug therapies never treat the whole range of pain. The need for complementary products is therefore important. Natural preventive solutions also exist to counter the appearance of rheumatic symptoms. They consist in limiting the triggering factors such as: excess weight, physical inactivity or certain foods. Here are some very simple pain prevention measures to put in place: Encourage physical activity, banish foods that are enemies of the joints (such as sugar, fried foods, etc.), favour an anti-arthritis diet (fruit, vegetables, etc.), take herbs as home remedy,… rheumatism treatment at home are easy.

So the treatment options are diverse. In recent years, thanks to advances in research into rheumatic diseases, new treatments have emerged that can significantly improve the living conditions of rheumatic patients as well as the course of their disease.

However, early diagnosis is very important, so that the rheumatologist can develop a treatment plan from the onset of the disease.

In general, an isolated measure or a single remedy is not enough to achieve an initial improvement: a whole individual therapeutic concept must be used. In this case, phytotherapeutic products (with medicinal plants) are a natural and effective therapeutic option.

Also, some factors favour an inflammatory state of the organism, such as intestinal hyperpermeability, stress, lack of sleep, toxins, endocrine system disturbances and diet. Food should be basically anti-inflammatory.

Vegetable fats, in general, and omega-3 in particular, reduce inflammation at a systemic level. Fruits and vegetables are very useful because they are rich in antioxidants: chlorophyll, resveratrol, vitamin C, quercetin and beta-carotene, among others. Herbs and spices have great anti-inflammatory power as well. Among spices, turmeric multiplies its action with black pepper.

It is advisable not to consume substances that promote inflammatory processes: processed meat, excess red meat, gluten, dairy products, sugars and refined foods, and processed fats.

Also avoid solanaceae. Peppers, tomatoes, aubergines and potatoes contain solanine, which promotes joint inflammation. Above all, do not eat them out of season, raw and with the skin on.

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