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What are Facts about High Protein Low Carb Diet?

Since the 1970s, low carbohydrate diets are common. This high-protein weight loss plan has recently gained immense popularity, as evidenced by the large number of books, ads, and entire stores dedicated specifically to it. Some diets limit the amount of carbohydrates you can eat, while others ban them altogether. Low carb diets, despite their popularity high in protein, have many disadvantages. Here are nine reasons to avoid low carb diets. Restricting carbohydrates in your diet can also cause a loss of healthy glycogen. This is the glucose stored in your liver and muscles. Your body will become dehydrated if you reduce your body’s glycogen supply.


Dieters report that they see immediate results from this water loss. Dieters will feel less energetic due to the loss of glycogen in their bodies. Glycogen is broken down into glucose to provide your body with fuel. Without it, you will feel tired and sluggish. You won’t be able to exercise as a result. Glycogen depletion can also lead to muscle atrophy or loss of muscle. The breakdown of glycogen causes muscle fibers to contract, which makes it difficult for muscles to maintain their tone. Without carbohydrates, your body will use fat and protein from your muscles to fuel itself. Low carb, high-protein diets should be avoided as they can cause sagging.

Your skin may also sag because your muscles have trouble maintaining a healthy tone. Your metabolism may slow down if you lose muscle. This means that you will need to work harder to burn the same number of calories. Low carb diets should be avoided as most people will regain the weight they lost on the diet.


Because of the fatigue it causes, it is very difficult to stick to a low carbohydrate diet long term. You will quickly gain back the weight you lost when you eat normally again. Your metabolism has been slowed down, so your body can burn less calories. A seventh reason to avoid low-carb, high-protein diets is their long-term health effects. This diet will require you to eat a lot of animal products and high levels of saturated fats. This can lead to health problems such as heart disease, strokes and kidney stones. High cholesterol and hypertension can also be caused by your eating habits. Gout is a painful swelling and pain in the joints that can be caused by a low-carb diet.

High-protein diets can increase the risk of osteoporosis (a weakening or loss of bone mass in men and women). Low carb diets are also devoid of fiber. Unlike plant products which are high in fiber, animal products lack fiber. A lack of fiber can lead to heart problems, digestive disorders, constipation, or other bowel disorders. Bad breath is the ninth reason you should avoid this low carbohydrate, high-protein diet. Your breath will smell bad if your body is in ketosis. Low carb diets are popular, but there are many reasons to avoid them. Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet. However, moderation should be the key to limiting the amount you consume.

Low Carb Diet

Low Carb Diet Health Risques – Is it Worth It? Low carb diet health risks – What are they? This is the question that should be on everyone’s mind today. People are so used to carbohydrates being off limits for people watching their body, that they often cringe when the waiter puts the bread basket in front of them at a restaurant. One of the first things that came into my mind when I started writing this article was the scene from Ryan Reynolds’ B-grade movie “Just Friends” where Britney Spears’s character spits out something like, “I don’t eat carbs you idiot!” Although it may seem extreme, my friends actually ask me to hold the bread when they order sandwiches.

Although I would like to say I have avoided this craze entirely, I find that carbs make me feel more guilty and uncomfortable than any other food. I don’t eat a carb-free diet as it makes my life difficult. However, I can understand why others do. Is there any health risk to avoiding carbs? Yes, yes, and YES! It was only the other day that I discovered how unhealthy it was, after I read an article about the dangers associated with fad diets. Although I was not surprised by the dangers of a grapefruit diet, I was intrigued by the fact that carbs can be dangerous. This claim was supported by a large number of health professionals, which I further researched.

The Basics

Let’s review some basics for those who aren’t sure what carb-free diets are. These diets (ex. These diets (ex. Carb-free diets have another advantage: you will feel less hungry if your body is in ketosis, and eat less. Side-effects that are not as serious are that many people lose weight quickly, but this is due to a loss of muscle mass and water weight. Most people have trouble losing weight. Bad breath can also be caused by the increased production of ketones in the body during ketosis. Here are the more serious consequences. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) and American Heart Association (AHA) both state that low carb diets are too high in cholesterol, and fat. High cholesterol can cause stroke, heart disease, and cancer, as we all know.

These diets can also lead to an increase protein intake, which, along with a lack in carbohydrates, can lead to a host of other serious health problems, including kidney stones, kidney failure and cancer, osteoporosis (as we excrete less calcium while on these diets), and even gout. If you were considering reducing your carbohydrate intake, this will make you reconsider. This information made me happy. I can now enjoy high-carb fruits, whole-wheat pasta & breads, and even granola without guilt.

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