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What are Pros and Cons of Vitamin Supplements?

Many people use over-the-counter vitamins without knowing the full effects. Vitamin supplements are a great way to help your body, but there are also some drawbacks. It is important to understand how vitamins supplements affect you, especially if they are taken in pill form. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the human body needs to support healthy growth and maintain good health throughout adulthood. Micronutrients are mainly obtained from food and, in some cases, vitamin supplements. Supplements taken without consulting a doctor can cause more harm than good. Vitamins and minerals protect the body from various diseases and illnesses.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies are when the body absorbs less vitamin than it needs to maintain optimal health. This can make one more susceptible to certain diseases. Different vitamin deficiencies can lead to different types and types of illness. For example, Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin and night blindness. Vitamin B1 may cause sensation loss in the extremities. Vitamin supplements can be used as a form of immunization to prevent the development of these conditions, especially in the case of an unbalanced diet. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in the fluids of our digestive system and are then flushed out by our excretory system.Certain diseases can be caused by fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, E, or K that are stored in the body’s tissues.

  • Vitamin A (also known by Retinol),: Dry skin, night blindness. Vitamin A can be found in vegetables, eggs whole milk, liver, butter, and other foods.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine),: Sensitivity loss, numbness or shooting pains in the extremities (legs, especially), muscle deterioration, and possibly paralysis. B1 Vitamin can be found in nuts, vegetables and fruits, bran, whole grains, fish, and fruits.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin),: Cracked lips, impaired vision, mouth ulcers, and cracked lips. Vitamin B2 can be found in milk, vegetables, liver, eggs, and other foods.
  • Vitamin B3: Diarrhea and weight loss, general weakness and burning sensations in the mouth, mouth sores and mouth sores, skin roughness. Vitamin B3 can be found in meat, seafood, vegetables, whole grains, and cereals.
  • Vitamin B6: Dizziness, soreness of the lips, nausea, and depression. Vitamin B6 can be found in bran and meat as well as vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12: General weakness and shortness of breath, tingling, and numbness in the hands, feet, and limbs. Vitamin B12 can be found in meat, seafood, and milk.
  • Vitamin C: Infected, bleeding and/or swollen teeth. Vitamin C can be found in vegetables as well as citrus fruits like oranges.
  • Vitamin D: Misshapen spines or “bow legs”. Vitamin D is found in eggs, yolks, and seafood.
  • Vitamin E: Extreme deficiency can lead to central nervous system disorders like ataxia or peripheral neuropathy. Vitamin E is found in spinach, wheat germ and sunflower seeds.
  • Folic Acid: Similar symptoms as B1 and B3 deficiency. Folic Acid is found in whole wheat, nuts, vegetables, and the liver. Pantothenic Acid is a hormone that causes coordination problems, fatigue, and headaches. Pantothenic Acid can be found in vegetables, liver, eggs, and potatoes.


Vitamin supplements can have many drawbacks. One of the disadvantages is their cost. It can be much cheaper to prepare healthy, balanced meals than to buy supplements to help with an unhealthy diet. Overdosing can be a problem if you eat foods high in vitamins. You may also get enough vitamins from your diet, so supplements could overload your system, leading to symptoms of overdosing or flushing out your body. Fat-soluble vitamin overdoses can be fatal. Overdoses of Vitamin A can lead to many side effects such as blurred vision and hair loss.

Vitamin A: Hair loss and nausea, ringing ears, menstrual irregularities skin rashes, mood disorders, apathy, and skin rashes. Vitamin B3: Hyperglycemia, faintness, dizziness and gout. Vitamin B6: Memory loss, memory loss, depression and disorientation. Vitamin D: Low appetite, high cholesterol, hypertension, nausea, deafness, and hypertension. Vitamin E: Hypertension and breast tenderness, muscular impairment, prolonged wound healing, and hypertension. Multivitamins are recommended because of the potential for overdosing on any one vitamin.

However, it is important to have your doctor monitor you when taking multivitamins. Multivitamins: Who benefits? The highest concentrations of vitamins are found in vegetables. Vegetable-rich diets can provide adequate amounts of nutrients for a healthy body. Additional nutrients can be found in the liver, eggs, milk and nuts as well as seafood. Whole wheat bread and other foods high in fiber and antioxidants are also beneficial. Multivitamins are still needed by some people to supplement their nutrient intake.

Complete Protein

Nutritionists refer to the egg as “complete protein”. It contains all essential amino acids that the body requires. It is a complete food with a high amount of nutrients and low calories. Recent research suggests that it doesn’t increase your cholesterol levels.

  • Calorie-free energy source. Eggs are a good source of nutrients that don’t impact your body. An egg contains about 80 calories.
  • High quality protein content. Egg protein is superior to any other protein.
  • It does not increase cholesterol levels. Prof. Dr. George Mencinicopschi says that egg yolks have high levels of cholesterol. However, it is important to remember that certain amounts of cholesterol are essential for cell membranes.
  • Eggs also contain vitamin A and a compound called Choline, which are important nutrients for the function of cells, particularly nervous system cells.
  • The yolk of an egg is rich in vitamin D, E and vitamin A. The color is due to the presence of lutein or zeaxanthin. These compounds are recommended for eye health and protect them from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Let’s see…

How should we eat eggs? Professor Mencinicopschi recommends soft-boiled eggs. A healthy person should eat between two and five eggs per day. Celery is mostly used to season food, but it also has many health benefits. Celery has been used for hundreds of years to treat high blood pressure and rheumatic disorders, gout, and sexual asthenia. Celery is a great source for fiber, vitamin C and potassium, folate as well as vitamin B6. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, magnesium and vitamin A, as well as calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B2, iron, and phosphorous. Here are four reasons to include celery in your diet.

  • Lowers blood pressure Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has known about the blanching effect on bloodpressure. Celery contains chemicals that relax blood vessels and help to dilate them.
  • Lowers cholesterol. Animal tests have shown that blanching has a positive effect on reducing cholesterol. Celery extract was effective in reducing cholesterol in animals in just eight weeks.
  • It is a natural diuretic. Celery is rich in potassium and sodium, which stimulates the production of urine, helping to eliminate excess body fluids.
  • It prevents cancer. It contains substances that protect against the formation of free radicals.


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